

The metric standard for tangless threaded inserts

The tangless threaded inserts in metric are made of cold-rolled 304 stainless steel wire, work-hardened to a tensile strength above 200,000 psi and a hardness of Rc 43-50. The finished surface  is exceedingly smooth(8-16 inches). According to the regulation that from MA3279 to MA3281 (standard thread) and from MA3329 to MA3331 (lock thread), The tangless threaded inserts in metric were specially designed to replace the threaded inserts with tang. The tangless threaded inserts can be screw into STI screw hole according to MA1567 standard. The installed inserts are available in FED-STD-H28 standard, M section, tolerance grade 4H to 5H and ISO metric thread specifications, as well as the use for standard bolts and scrows or MJ profile bolts or screws.

The characteristics of tangless threaded inserts:

1. FOD-Free Design: No tangs to break off, retrieve or lose 

2. Bi-Directional Design: No insert orientation requirements 

3. Cost Reduction: Decreased installation and inspection time.

4. Quick, Non-destructive Removal: No damage to the parent material.

The metric standard sizes for tangless threaded inserts as follow: